
Sending Tokens

Learn how to send tokens on your EVM blockchain.

To ensure that the blockchain is up and running, let's perform a simple token transfer to a random address, 0x321f6B73b6dFdE5C73731C39Fd9C89c7788D5EBc, using Foundry:

cast send --rpc-url myblockchain --private-key $PK 0x321f6B73b6dFdE5C73731C39Fd9C89c7788D5EBc --value 1ether

To verify if the transaction was successful, check the balance of the address with the following command:

cast balance --rpc-url myblockchain 0x321f6B73b6dFdE5C73731C39Fd9C89c7788D5EBc

You should see that the balance of the address 0x321f6B73b6dFdE5C73731C39Fd9C89c7788D5EBc is now 1 (1 * 10^18).

Congratulations! You have successfully sent tokens on your EVM blockchain. 🎉

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